Thursday 13 October 2011

Trax Plug & Play Event at Hard Rock Cafe

I was so Grateful to be called up to host and MC the TRAX Plug and Play Event at Hard Rock Cafe (Indonesia),

"Had so much fun and the sponsors AND TRAX team were awesome"

We had some amazing performances by #1.CherryBelle, #2.Mascara #3.Mikki #4.Minni #5.Smash (The Boy and Girl Band phenomena in Indonesia just keeps growing and growing) "I wish them all the success in all that they persue"....
I had an awesome time co-presenting the show which started from 8PM till Mid-night, got to do a big shout out and thanks to the organisers of the event, also to OPA (The Editor in Chief of TRAX Magazine Indonesia) for kindly selecting me to do the show....Can't wait to work with you all again in the near future....

Check out the Pictures from the night

Monday 3 October 2011

Launching of

 I am so privaledged to  have been asked to be the Judge on Season 1 of the new reality show "Caribintang Indonesia" (Finding Indonesia's next Star) the format of the show is very similar to American Idol, where thousands upon thousand of candidates are picked to come and audition, but with a twist, all our contestants must first submit audition  tapes prior to face to face auditions, our contestants come from all over Indonesia, stretching  from Aceh, through Java, Papua, right up to Bali, I have to give a round of praise and applause to the Caribintang Team for all their hard work and effort, Roll on Season 1

Luck is when  oppurtunity knocks and you answer "Good-luck everyone"

Please visit our website at

Sunday 11 September 2011

MTV Max 5 Boy Band Story (Global TV Network)

I have to say a Big-Big Thanks to Global TV (Mr Yoyon and Mr Ricky) and the Amazing MTV Creative team here in Indonesia for casting me to be the Manager of the MTV Max 5 Boy band Story, I have been overwhelmed with tweets and lovely new followers.

 The last 3 Months have just flown in, I feel blessed that I have gained a new family, The Crew, Global TV, MTV, The Boys and all the girls not forgetting our script writers, you have all been fabulous and thank you for growing with me.  I love you all and thanks for beleiving in me, heres to Bigger and Better things....

It has been a pleasure to be working with the boys (Max 5), Thanks to Reggy, and Fendi for always making me laugh, and making everyday of filming that little bit more fun.. there are too many pictures in my archives to put on here, but these are a few photos to show you what goes on behind the scenes.

My Backstage Possy "Security..HELP"!

Going over my lines, last minute revision

Its a love hate relationship with this madmoiselle 

I wanna cry, been on set all day and still have not been give any food yet!!

Episode 4 (Its a WRAP)

Its a scary Height to perform from

Friday 2 September 2011

DJakarta Magazine Front Cover Exclusive

Well just want to say an 'Amazingly Big Thanks' to the DJakarta Magazine and the team:

Photography: Elik Ragil
Wardrobe and Make-up : Gusti Aditya Medika Permana
Idea & Concept/Montage : Gusti Aditya Medika Permana

It was an honour to be asked to be the front cover!
I had so much fun shooting the cover and the outfits were fab, Go get the latest edition to read my Exclusive Interview on Genderalization (vol.139) thanks guys ^_^

Thursday 18 August 2011

Inside Big Brother Interview (Celebrity Big Brother 2011 UK)

I would like to thank the Team at Inside Big Brother for taking the time to Interview me, it was a real pleasure and I look forward to working with you all in the near future.

Dont forget to follow Inside Big Brother on twitter @InsideBB 

Thursday 14 July 2011

Style Soiree (Instyle Magazine) Fashion Show By Ina Thomas

I was so delighted I was able to attend the Style Soiree evening which I was invited to by my dear friends 'Jeremy and Ina Thomas', I was accompanied by my good friend and favourite TV chef 'Farah Quinn'.

Myself and good friend 'Farah Quinn'

My Good friends Jeremy and Ina 'Thomas'
The fashion show theme was to capture an elegant unconventional bohemian style, which I thought "they achieved with flying colors" it was also complimented by the amazing selection of  trendy accessories which Ina and Jeremy have obviously worked very hard on, to maximize the look of the couple's art creations. 

"Well Done"

"I had a fabulous evening, a big thanks to Ina, Jeremy, members of the press and Instyle Magazine for a great event".

To see Ina's Amazing fashion
 line visit her website at: 

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Samuel Brodie Selebriti Spotlight Interview

Hey Bloggers, please feel free to check out my latest Interview with Selebriti Spotlight, the interview is a detail look into my life over the past ten years, if you get a chance; take a peek,



                                                     PART 3


Wednesday 18 May 2011

My first episode of "The Todays Special" on the MNC Channel

Well its been an awesome last few weeks, Its been filled with excitement, work, challenges, and tribulations.

Today I am filming with my co-hosts Chitra and Fadi in my first episode of the "The Todays Special" basically the show is all about food, and to show viewers how easy it is to cook and prepare dishes we think are difficult to make, while having a little fun in the kitchen "who said cooking was boring"!, its all about experimenting with ingredients and adding your individual touch.

Here are a sneak peak into episode's 1 and 2 "Enjoy the Pictures"

Hosting for INBOX Music Program SCTV

Me and my co-presenter Astrid and company

I was privalidged to be asked just yesterday to do some standby work for INBOX (Music Program), my filming location was in Depok, trying to find the place was a nightmare!
I was luckily on-time and standby at the location at 5am, and we were going live at 7am so needed to meet the producers for my briefing, the crew were all fabulous and a big thanks to Mr John F, and Miss Soechee, and the creative people for your guidance, and the oppurtunity, I had a lot of fun, albeit the fact I wasn't feeling too well "But the show must go on"

Being in front of so many people in the morning heat was a sweaty task!