Sunday 11 September 2011

MTV Max 5 Boy Band Story (Global TV Network)

I have to say a Big-Big Thanks to Global TV (Mr Yoyon and Mr Ricky) and the Amazing MTV Creative team here in Indonesia for casting me to be the Manager of the MTV Max 5 Boy band Story, I have been overwhelmed with tweets and lovely new followers.

 The last 3 Months have just flown in, I feel blessed that I have gained a new family, The Crew, Global TV, MTV, The Boys and all the girls not forgetting our script writers, you have all been fabulous and thank you for growing with me.  I love you all and thanks for beleiving in me, heres to Bigger and Better things....

It has been a pleasure to be working with the boys (Max 5), Thanks to Reggy, and Fendi for always making me laugh, and making everyday of filming that little bit more fun.. there are too many pictures in my archives to put on here, but these are a few photos to show you what goes on behind the scenes.

My Backstage Possy "Security..HELP"!

Going over my lines, last minute revision

Its a love hate relationship with this madmoiselle 

I wanna cry, been on set all day and still have not been give any food yet!!

Episode 4 (Its a WRAP)

Its a scary Height to perform from

Friday 2 September 2011

DJakarta Magazine Front Cover Exclusive

Well just want to say an 'Amazingly Big Thanks' to the DJakarta Magazine and the team:

Photography: Elik Ragil
Wardrobe and Make-up : Gusti Aditya Medika Permana
Idea & Concept/Montage : Gusti Aditya Medika Permana

It was an honour to be asked to be the front cover!
I had so much fun shooting the cover and the outfits were fab, Go get the latest edition to read my Exclusive Interview on Genderalization (vol.139) thanks guys ^_^