Friday 13 May 2011

Aqua DANONE Water-Week “Start Living Healthy Now” Movement Representative

Well another awesome day just completed, as I have just finished being the representative for AQUA DANONE water-week here in Jakarta, it meant a lot to me that Media Indonesia and AQUA picked me to be there main celebrity guest and spokesperson for the event, "well done" to all the people who took part in the water-week and also to all the dedicated employees, all your hard effort and work provide all of Indonesia with the best quality drinking water with your “Start Living Healthy Now” movement. 

DANONE AQUA’s goal is to provide people across Indonesia a simple, yet meaningful way to demonstrate their commitment to start living healthy. The “Start Living Healthy Now” movement will appeal to individuals as well as families to make healthy living a daily habit by doing simple things. This can be as simple as eating a healthy meal, enjoying an outdoor activity with friends and family or just cleaning up the home and the immediate surroundings of litter. By collaborating with well-know and respected celebrities, DANONE AQUA hopes Indonesians will be inspired to make the commitment to start living healthy.

The “Start Living Healthy Now” movement is part of DANONE AQUA’s long-standing commitment to promote better awareness of health issues and encourage Indonesians to become more healthy through regular community events such as its annual AKSI (AQUA Keluarga Sehat Indonesia) program. Since it was first held in 2007, AKSI has brought the health message to millions of Indonesians across the country. Most recently, DANONE AQUA opened the “Living Water Zone” a permanent exhibit at Taman Pintar in Jogjakarta to promote greater awareness of where good quality drinking water comes from and what Indonesians can do to ensure their drinking water remains clean and healthy.
So for more info on living healthy you can visit the AQUA website on