Wednesday 16 March 2011

Welcome to "Hello Sam Brodie"

"Hello Sam Brodie" here....

This is my first official blog, so forgive me if it is just brief,

A little bit about myself:

I'm a well Spoken, Bubbly Peoples Person, Born in Medan (Indonesia), I'm an Aries (14th of April),

I am an Individual, I like to be a little different, but not too over the top everything in small portions, I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.

I have a passion for Travel, for those that have never traveled, I would advise you to grab the chance when you can, it's something that you should not miss out on!

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.

I'm currently pursuing my dreams and goals just now "to be the best at everything I put my mind onto whether it be acting/singing/presenting/radio-host/friend to my many close buddies"   

I've had it good, had it bad, and I know what its like to start from nothing time and time again, I was first discovered after many years of performing/singing and acting in Scotland, until I jumped into the deep end of the fame game after taking part in a reality show called "Big Brother", it was a turbulent time for me....but I managed to come out of the whole amazing ordeal unscathed, and luckily by moving back to my home country "Indonesia" I managed to keep my reputation in-tact.

This Blog will be an account of my on-going journey to reaching for my goals, dreams and ambitions.....and also a diary of my feeling's, emotions and achievements, so forgive me if I have a "Bad Day"


A lot of people ask me "whats it like to be a 'Celebrity'?

Well in my definition: "Celebrity is a funny thing". It enhances some lives and destroys others. Some people are aware of how famous they are while others act like they are just ordinary people. And in truth we are all just human beings like the rest of you. Were just better known, and have better access to nicer more expensive things.

I get to meet a variety of celebrities. I get to meet some who are on their way up, and I get to meet some who are on their way down. I meet some who take themselves very seriously and others who don't seem to have a clue that they are stars. It varies from person to person. "I however go with the flow"....

Okay well I'm signing out now, have an early start tomorrow, going to go get my new Passport photos taken....

Selamat Malam / Good Night

Getting sleepy now, time for a quick bath and off to bed z z z z ZZZZ