Thursday 14 April 2011

Its my Birthday today!

Well today has finally come, the day I have been dreading for the last month, the 14th of APRIL another year added onto my twenties :(

Its always a very odd feeling turning of age, I remember when I was a child I was always desperate to be older quicker so I could have freedom and do as I please, but as the years pass by so quickly I always think to myself how nice it would be to pause time and rewind a few years back. 

Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I've learned some of my hardest and most important life lessons within the last 7 years and when some reporter asked me the other day "if I could change my past would I"? I answered "if it was not for my mistakes in the past, I would not be who I am today,....I also feel as-well that any unresolved differences we may have with some old friends, and family, are better left in the past and better to forgive, as family is number #1.

I have an immense gratitude for a few people on this day, firstly to my almighty GOD, for always being by my side through thick and thin, and also to my most wonderfully supportive parents (Mum and Dad) even though we have always had our quarrels I will always love you both for eternity and I just want to ask for forgiveness on my part for any wrong doing in the past, 

To My Mum: who always shows me the most immense love, compassion and kindness, and despite her very few faults is the Best Mother I could ever have wanted and asked for, "You did Ace my darling clementine, Love you"...

To My Dad you taught me about a mans honour and keeping a promise, honesty, virtue, always try to be as precise as you can in any job on hand, organisational skills, keeping a good faith in the lord God, and in general being there to comfort me when I was sick, or could not sleep "Thanks Dad, Love you so much".

Also to my Aunt Jennifer who has given me some amazing childhood experiences and taught me about manners, respecting elders, nature and the most interesting historical weekends around Scotland over the years "those memories are with me forever" and you really have spoiled me rotten over the years, you have always been my number one aunt and like a second mother to me, you would have made an amazing mother and I'm just lucky to have you in my life"....'The wise owl has spoken'....hehehe 

To my incredible partner Indry, "I love you you more with everyday that passes and don't know where I would be without you"...."Aku cinta mati kamu sayang"....

Also to my Manager, Assistant Manager, Management, assistant, and anyone who is involved in my work and for always believing in my potential, "I thank you guys so much, from the bottom of my heart for making everything I do possible, we still have a long way to go and I know with the right guidance I can be someone that can make us all proud, Johnny, Boy, David, and also to Chitra and the doggies....

And to my followers, friends and aquaintances on twitter, facebook and in real-time 'Thanks for the love and support GBU all...

My Party was a big success, although I think I had more press members than guests turning up,...well it was an awesome night so here are the pictures...."enjoy"