Friday 18 March 2011

Finally the Reality Show that sits close to my Heart is coming to Indonesia "Big Brother"

Broadcaster Trans TV has commissioned a locally produced series of Big Brother, marking the first Indonesian commission for Endemol’s reality franchise.

PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (Trans TV)  will produce the series in-house, due to air on April the 4th 2011 which will make a nice early Birthday present treat for me :)
This is the third deal for the format in the region, after Big Brother made its Asian debut in Thailand. More deals are expected to be announced at a later date.
Wishnutama Kusubandio, president director of Trans TV said in a statement, “Big Brother has a great fan base all over the world and I’m extremely proud to be the first broadcaster to bring the show to Indonesia. This is the ultimate reality format and I truly believe it will be a big hit with viewers all over the country.”
I of course being the first ever Indonesian to ever appear on the Big Brother franchise show back in 2006, would love a chance to be part of the show some how, just crossing my fingers that god opens some doors for me. (winks for Mr. Tama) 
Naturally with all the hype a number of Indonesian media contacted me to arrange an exclusive interview on my thoughts of what I thought about the show, here are my interviews in Indonesian so forgive me if I haven't got the time to translate all of it.
The following courtesy of - Sebuah program reality show yang pernah mengguncang dunia televisi di puluhan negara, BIG BROTHER, kini hadir di Indonesia. Sam Brodie atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Sam Brodie mendukung penuh program bernama BIG BROTHER Indonesia tersebut.
Maklumlah, pria yang akrab disapa Sam ini merupakan jebolan program yang sama di Inggris. Ya, dirinya terpilih dari seleksi sebanyak 400.000 peserta BIG BROTHER UK season 1-7.
BIG BROTHER Indonesia akan lebih seru tentunya. Awalnya sih orang akan mikir, ngapain akan nonton orang makan, ngobrol. Tapi setelah ngikutin pasti akan suka. Saya senang dan 100% support akan program reality show dunia yang tayang di Indonesia ini,” ucap Sam Brodie di Gedung TRANS TV, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (11/3).
Hal inipun menjadikan Sam Brodie flashback ke waktu di mana dirinya mengikuti program tersebut di negeri Ratu Elizabeth beberapa tahun silam.
“Dulu karakter saya lucu, lebay banget, juga sensitif dan gampang disakiti. Bikin empati ke orang yang nonton,” lanjutnya.
Untuk BIG BROTHER Indonesia yang akan tayang bulan depan di TRANS TV tersebut,Sam Brodie pun menekankan akan tayangan yang sopan dan tidak kebarat-baratan.
“Sensor harus ketat. Kalo di Barat kan lebih bebas, ada ciuman dan bahkan adegan yang mengarah ke seks. Tentunya di sini tayangannya harus bisa menjaga perasaan pemirsa dan juga peserta,” ujar Sam, “Good luck for the show. Saya sih bersyukur banget kalo bisa dilibatkan di program yang membesarkan nama saya,” pungkasnya.   (kpl/ato/bun)
Well Thanks for reading peeps, I will keep you updated on any news, need all of your help and support and prayer....none the less even if I'm not involved in the show I will be keeping an up-to-date diary of all the gossip in the Big Bro House (Indonesia) this year.
If anyone would like to see me involved in this years Big Brother and be a roving reporter for the show? 'Spread the word across to Trans TV just tweet to one or all of the following':

and just mention "@Sam_Brodie to be involved in Big Brother Indonesia"

Thanks Bloggers